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OFEA Crazy Ribbon
Schooling Series

February 22, 2025

JUDGE: Stacey Colgan

Yamhill County Fairgrounds

2070 NE Lafayette Ave


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Choose your Classes



10 & Under: English 1, 11, 33

                      Western: 33, 39, 49


13 & Under: English: 2, 8/9, 10, 12, 18, 19, 25/26, 27, 34

                      Western: 34, 40, 46/47, 48, 50, 56, 57, 63/64, 65


14-17:          English: 3, 8/9, 10, 13, 18, 20, 25/26. 27, 35

                    Western: 35, 41, 46/47, 48, 51, 46, 48, 63/64, 65


18 & Over:   English: 4, 8/9, 10, 14, 18, 21, 25/26, 27, 36

                     Western: 36, 42, 46/47, 48, 52, 56, 59, 63/64, 65


Nov Horse:  English: 5, 15, 22, 37

                      Western: 37, 43, 53, 60


Nov Rider:   English: 6, 16, 23, 37

                      Western: 37, 44, 54, 61


*Classes do not count for high point



-Ribbons 1st - 5th

-(*)Classes do not count for high point

-Daily High Point for each age division, Novice Rider, and Novice Horse are counted on horse/rider combo

-Series High Point for each age division, Novice Rider, and Novice Horse (must attend two shows to qualify - same horse/rider combo)

-No cross entry for 10 & Under W/T or Leadline

-Novice Horse/Rider - Not to have won 3 or more 1st place ribbons in that division; if you win three or more 1st place ribbons, you are eligible to compete in novice classes for the rest of the series)

- Green Horse/Rider (Rookie) - FIRST year of showing

-Humane Training Aids allowed. Boots, long sleeves and pants required. Casual Show Attire.

-Helmets are recommended for all riders. Hats are required in all classes. Helmets required for 10 & Under and Leadline Class.

-Judges decisions are final

-No refunds without vet/doctor certificate

-No smoking on premises

-No dogs or alcohol on premises

Participation Agreement, Notice Release, and Acknowledgement of Risk: I accept and clearly understand that riding a horse; and that injuries are a common and ordinary occurrence. I freely accept and assume those risks. I therefore release Oregon Family Equestrian Association, Inc. (OFEA), its board members and show grounds’ owners (Yamhill Co. Fairgrounds) and all of their agents and employees, from any and all liability for damage and injury to myself, my horse, or to any person or property resulting from my riding a horse in this equestrian event, accepting myself the full responsibility for any and all such damage or injury of any kind which may result. I agree to fully indemnify, defend, and hold OFEA, show grounds’ owners (Yamhill Co. Fairgrounds) and all of their agents and employees, harmless from any and all claims, actions, liability, or costs including attorney fees and other costs of defense, arising out of or in any way related to my riding a horse in this equestrian event. The limitations on liability provided in ORS 30.691 shall apply to an adult participant in the circumstances listed in subsection (1)(b) of this section if the participant, prior to riding, training, driving, grooming or riding as a passenger upon an equine, knowingly executes a release stating that as a condition of participation, the participant waives the right to bring an action against the equine professional or equine activity sponsor for an injury or death arising out of riding, training, driving, grooming or riding as a passenger upon the equine. A release so executed shall be binding upon the adult participant.

Show Fees:


Pre-Entry Fee: $10/class or


All Day Fee : $130/day


Stalls: $35 per day - bedding provided & needs to be stripped end of show


Stall Stripping: $15 - Fundraiser for Amity OHSET Team


Haul In Fee: $10 per horse (if no stall rented)


Camping: $30 per night (electric only)


Office Fee: $10 (required)​

Thank you for the OFEA Crazy Ribbon Show Entry. You can pay at the show or send a check to Carol Smith c/o OFEA, 2305 N Locust St, Canby, OR 97013


Copyright 2024 Oregon Family Equestrian Activities - All Rights Reserved

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